Cool Runnings

What is it?
The Cool Runnings app provides information on how to prevent burn injuries through games and quizzes. You can earn rewards and win prizes for your involvement by answering the quiz questions, or sharing the information with your friends and family through social media. Simply download the Cool Runnings app, then the following Monday you’ll start going through the six-week campaign. Each weekly module has a specific focus and consists of a themed animated video, infographic, pop quiz and mission. Get involved and earn points and rewards for your efforts.
Cool Runnings is a collaboration between Australian technology company iPug, the Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research, Queensland University of Technology, and the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centres Program.
Cool Runnings is a world-first public health campaign that brings together cutting edge research and technology to educate up to 1,000,000 Australians about burn prevention and first aid. The initial campaign began in May 2017 and ran for 12 months. It was then rolled out across Australia.
Where can you get it?
You can download the app from the App Store and Google play. Or you can watch the clips on YouTube Cool Runnings